Provincie Antwerpen


Back to the Weelde of yesteryear

In the municipality of Ravels, you will find the village of Weelde, with a historical centre that dates back to the 15th century. Witnesses to its history include several historical buildings and structures such as the mill Arbeit Adelt, the Sint-Michielskerk and the moat known as ‘De Burcht’, which used to belong to the Hof Ten Berge. The cluster of streets in the centre is egg-shaped, giving rise to its nickname, ‘the egg of Weelde’.

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The role of Kempens Landschap

Since 2002, our organisation has guided the municipality of Ravels in the synchronisation of planned works in the historical centre of Weelde. To accomplish this, a master plan was drawn up with input from local residents and a comprehensive vision of the ‘egg’ of Weelde developed. The first project was the repair of the historical Burcht, for which special mud balls were used.
